martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Silvina Ocampo

(De Árboles de Buenos Aires, 1979)

¿Sentiste al desprenderte de la rama,
que eras un gajo de cedro?
¿sentiste al quedarte sin paloma
que eras toda la paloma?
¿No te bastó ser cedro,
quisiste ser paloma?
¿Fuiste el cedro que vuela,
la paloma que queda?
(From Trees of Buenos Aires, 1979)


Did you feel when you left the branch,
that you were a piece of ceder?
did you feel when you were left without a dove
that you were the whole dove?
As though it weren't enough to be a ceder,
you wanted to be a dove too?
Were you the ceder that flew,
the dove that remained?

(Translation: Lorena Wolfman)

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