sábado, 1 de octubre de 2022

"Red bicycle in the rain"

"Red bicycle in the rain"
Perhaps close to a month ago, I saw a red bicycle in the rain while I was driving through San Luis de la Paz on my way back to Pozos. It was in front of a small shop that was largely in shadow. The afternoon was dark because of the dark sky cover. I was riveted! I was in love with the bicycle.  I wanted to know where I could get a bicycle as numinously brilliant and simple as that one. It was imbued with magic.  I had driven around the corner, and I pulled over to park, driven by an inner impulse, urging me to ask, to find out.  I went walking back in the rain, and I stepped into the threshold of the shop and ask "Where can I get a bicycle like that one?" And one of the guys, a good looking young guy who worked in the shop, said "I'll sell it to you."  I asked to be allowed to try it. He agreed. And immediately in front of the shop, riding it no more than two meters, once, twice, three times, I was enchanted, it was perfect, it had only one speed, the break was the pedal and you rotated backwards to stop, like my first bicycle... that took me everyplace with no complications. I asked and he told me how much and I said, I would need to think about it, I could feel I was under the effects of some kind of "magic spell of numinous attraction" to the bicyle, I was caught in a timeless moment in time... Later I did not buy the bicycle. But I get it, there are these numinous events that are like stepping into a tarot card, full of meaningful symbols.  Speaking in the language of your soul, holding up a mirror, to just what is at play. As Daria has oft said "Art is the healthiest form of projection."

Just looking at the image itself, it stands out for me that the bicycle seems to have a light of its own in a dark moment in time (due to the rainy weather)... the other source of light is an "inner light", the light that emanates from within the shop, that by the way is a carpentry shop, and I can deffinitely relate to the idea of building new resources from the inside. Yet that doesn't actually get stated symbolically in the drawing... light coming from inside, an inside space, that is clear... the color purple is related to me intuitively as change and mystery... though there are other associations too... royalty, which would say to me, a high level change or change from a high order in the self as well.

The rain is pale blue transluscent in color... and seems to capture the light, or even bring light from above beyond the dark rain clouds... it makes everything wet, so in one sense it is a challenge, i.e. part of the darkness and the "inclement" weather, and on the other hand it is an opportunity, a gift full of potential. And rain is literally the magical elixer of growth for the earth... even more so here in the arid lands of north eastern Guanajuato, so literally and figuratively, outwardly and inwardly.

The doors open outwards, so the movement is from inner to outer perception, movement into the world. The color of the bicycle is red which has to do with strength, passion (and love in its strong passionate manifestation). A color which nourishes the heart channel.  It also has to do with separation and agency... and so the bicycle is a tool of agency.  Because it is like the bicycle of my childhood that took me everywhere, it can also be representative of that freedom to move in the world, literally and figuratively, without the conditioning of fears or limitations that have developed.
The street (path) has uneven pavement, it looks a little rough... also comments on the state of things...