jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

Yes / Sí

in our endless creativity,
even in the blundering,
somehow we manage
infinite perfection.


en nuestra creatividad incesante
hasta en nuestras metidas de pata
de alguna manera conseguimos
la perfección absoluta.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009


To grasp a sharper transparency
I paint with tailfeathers of macaw

to describe this bubble crystal ball orb
I trace its form finding its niche

the invisible pigment takes shape
becoming more fluid and fine

before it disembarks from warp and weft
moving out into the world

with a purpose all its own
when I neither expect nor reject it

neither need nor need not need it
but dance with parrot feathers in my hair

it comes back of its own volition
this transparent sentient knowledge

that has known people beings places
far and wide and has come back

returned eternal presence
agency pregnant with freedom

lighter than air.

copyright (c) 2009 Lorena Wolfman

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Turquesa y viento

Vestida de turquesa y viento ella vino
Yoolgai asdáá mujer de nácar.
Respira suavemente desde mis sueños
gentil madre poetisa curandera espíritu nativo.
Su vestido blanco está hecho de espuma de mar
y un menear coqueto y dulce de maracas
que enaltece el silencio
como la luz enaltece la oscuridad
del cual surgimos.

La Virgen Negra camina al lado
de su hermana.
Su vestido de obsidiana brilla
derramando la oscuridad.
Juntas con sus brazos extendidos
marcan la noche
con un chasquido de los dedos y una sacudida
de sus palmas vertidas al aire
así ellas engendran la Creación,
ellas Hijas de lo Absoluto,
ellas Madres de Dios.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Turquoise And Wind

Robed in turquoise and wind she came
Yoolgai asdzáá white shell woman
breathing softly out of my dreams
gentle native poemed healing spirit mother
white gown stitched of sea foam
and coy swishing of rattles
that exhalt the silence
as light exhalts the darkness
from which we arise.

Black Madonna walks side by side
with her sister
her gleaming obsideon gown
pouring forth the dark.
Together their outstetched arms
punctuate the night
with a snap and a shake
of outfacing palms
they bring Creation into being,
they Daughters of the Absolute
they Mothers of God.


Esta Kachina es representativo de un loro.