jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

It came like an ice pick

 It came

like an ice pick

boring into my brain's frontal lobe,

claws tearing at my eyeballs in their sockets.

The migraine comes with nausea,

I know it well.

This time

I will not fear

I will enter the pain fully

I will trust

I will not question

nor push nor shrink away

I will enter the unknown willingly

I will be available with every inch of my being

I will not fear

And all the pain was gone.

All that remained was

deep dark velvet peace

with no beginning nor end

without limits.

Who I was before was gone.

I had fully entered the inner sanctum

leaving everything behind.

The mystery

the prince of peace

was upon me

in full breadth depth power and grace.  

Only the sweet subtle fragrance of deepest origin remained.

—Lorena Wolfman

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