Lost your compass
on the way home
forgot which way
led to the center.
—Lorena Wolfman
When the turning has begun
and it is no longer Spring
When the glory of Summer has ended
and the earths gyre is felt,
when the air has cooled
where do we find sustenance?
When our bodies
are not sung by the birds
who have moved
onward with the sun,
Who sings for us then?
The trees pause in their search
no longer pressing forth new leaves,
where does life take shelter?
—Lorena Wolfman
Cuando se ha iniciado el giro
y ya no es primavera
cuando la gloria del verano ha terminado
y la vuelta de la tierra se siente,
cuando el aire se ha enfriado
a dónde buscamos el sustento?
Cuando los pájaros
que se ido siguiendo el sol
ya no cantan nuestros cuerpos,
quién nos canta entonces?
Los árboles pausan su búsqueda
y ya no sacan nuevas hojas
a dónde se anida la vida?
—Lorena Wolfman
Abbey Road by the Beatles was released on September 26, 1969. I remember it well! It had been a long summer in a rented house near Arroyo Seco on the rim road, outside of Taos, New Mexico... It was one of my mother's records that I listened to again and again along with Rubber Soul (1965) and Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) and Yellow Submarine (1969), Alice's Restaurant (1969), Let it Bleed (1969), Calypso (1956)... I sang and danced in the long sloping golden light of the afternoon upstairs in a wooden house with large windows... This wasn't that long after we left Mexico, catapulted by events of the worldwide unrest of 1968. Mexico's version ending tragically in the massacre of Tlateloco. But by the age of 6 these moves and upheavals were normal fare, a backdrop to a childhood that was already marked by comings and goings between countries, regions, languages, civil rights protests, the death of a president, but much more importantly for me the death of a bird I that with the help of Martha, the maid, we had trapped, and the abandoment of my dog at the Mexico City Pound, those losses struck the bone.
Esta tarde la foto del doble arcoiris sobre Tokio de mi amigo Pablo J. Rico dió pie a mis propios recuerdos:
Mis recuerdos de Tokio son subterráneos, al separarme de mis compañeras de viaje en los bien iluminados corredores bajo la tierra de la estación de trenes, corrí de planta en planta, tratando de llegar a tiempo al shinkansen con destino a Kioto, sin ni siquiera una palabra de Japonés, fui mostrando mi boleto cifrado en kanji a desconocidos fortuitos que recibían mi apurada perplejidad con generosidad... luego, me acuerdo del chirrido platinado de las rieles que se extendían por lo que me pareció una eternidad, llegando a Kioto bien entrada la noche, nuevamente a mostrar el volantín de un Riokan donde tenía reservado una habitación... después de unos tropiezos, finalmente fue por la generosidad oficiosa de un cliente de una barra de saki en donde había asomado la cabeza con gestos de perplejidad urgida mostrando la hoja con el nombre del Riokan que llegué a mi destino con pocas palabras (sólo intentos a pronunciar algunas que no hallaban su lugar en mi lengua: "shinkansen" "riokan")... y luego, tres días en silencio, recorriendo la ciudad a pie orientándome en el espacio con la planta de los pies y la luz, dando con jardines y templos, el bosque de bambú, y una ceremonia Shinto todo por la serendipia nacida del silencio. Dando con las austera elegancia de una estética que no pide más y que sin embargo me envolvía en una nube de sutil perfume. El tercer y último día, habiendo encontrado mi orientación, alquilé una bicicleta (color mostaza) a señas, disfruté las amplias veredas donde cabían transeúntes a pie a igual que en bici y me atreví a abrir mucho más mi rango de exploración, llegando a nuevos templos con otros jardines, dejando la la bici afuera en cada lugar, sin llave, como lo hacían todos... siempre pasé un momento de mis tardes, a veces de la mañana paseando por la estación de trenes, donde una música celestial (piensa Kitaro) tocaba con una tonalidad para la mañana y otra para la tarde... el rito de visitar la estación de trenes era como no perder de vista la puerta por donde había entrado a este mundo y por donde saldría... la tercera noche nuevamente pisé el tatami descalza disfrutando a sorbos su textura fresca, abriendo mi futón por la última vez... Y el cuarto día, muy temprano, partí para Tokio, en contraste con el viaje de ida que había parecido eterno, rápidamente llegué al complejo subterráneo de la estación de trenes, pasando de planta en planta para llegar al andén para el aeropuerto —ahora pude descifrar el letrero por la forma de los caracteres que correspondían a los de mi boleto— donde me reuniría con mis compañeras filipinas con las cuales había visitado su país de origen antes de nuestra larga escala en Japón.
Texto: Lorena Wolfman
Foto: Pablo J. Rico
Entering the uncompromising
mystery of pain
is never the same twice.
With a prayer on a thin breath
I look for the way in,
the invisible doorway.
Remembering sound and light
are threads of a single cloth
and that in its folds
there is a holy citadel of peace,
and a limitless domed chamber,
opened by their vibration.
Existing in the space
between the waves,
this infintesimal shimmering,
spacious presence at the center,
liberates all pain,
all strife.
—Lorena Wolfman
Coming back home to my body
traveling down the red cord
from the universe.
The cells of this waterverse
this bipedal ocean
are fed by the firelight
of all the stars colored flames.
An ancient new found ground
below my feet
felt for the first time
silently keeps the mystery of gravity,
holds this living space in form.
The earth that has given birth
to these bones
is assumed,
life from above and from below
held in this round body
is accepted with joy.
—Lorena Wolfman
like a still drop of dew
or each drop of rain falling
the body of life
is round
like a pearl or a planet
like a cell
or a fleeting bubble
and like the ever exploding suns
birthing luminous skies
and like the reflexive moons
dreaming beyond the darkness
all things orbit
a still deeper source
guided by an invisible force
that loves roundness
—Lorena Wolfman
hermana mía
igual que en egipto
a través de nuestras voces
hemos pasado el velo
hemos entrado
la cámara de luz
donde los colores cantan
nuestros cuerpos vibran
hemos entrado el lugar santísimo
hemos abierto la senda
entre todo tiempo y espacio
—Lorena Wolfman
my sister
just as in egypt
through our voices
we have passed through the veil
we have entered
the chamber of light
where color sings
our bodies become vibration
we have entered the holy of holies
we have opened the path
between all space all time
—Lorena Wolfman
the face of the full moon
is the hand mirror
of the mother of the skies
on still summer nights like this one
she unites lost lovers
transmitting the silent
fire of their hearts
across the skies
each lover gazes
upon the glowing round disk
and knows
someone somewhere
knows they exist
their hearts grow
becoming radiant
spheres of light
like the moon
reflecting another star
so that this star
may know it's not alone
someone somewhere
across the skies
beyond the horizon
knows they exist
this simple knowledge
is a part of becoming
of daring not to perish
to be able to stand
in your own light burning
knowing you exist
—Lorena Wolfman
to stay
to linger
in the emptiness
the gap
between each breath
each particle dancing
each raindrop
between each idea
each thought
releasing into the mystery
where ground and foreground merge
the rose the cloudless sky
the ether that holds them both
the translucent vertiginous fall of the rain
the crashing wet encounter
between horizontal and vertical planes
releasing the song of creation
—Lorena Wolfman
Following Innana
On the outward breath
I descend into a place of formless mystery
I am held inside the earth
inside the waters of the earth
a womb, warm,
ribcage, chest, becoming soft and pliable,
undulating bone.
I float with the waters of life,
heart held in the embrace
and support of ribcage and diaphragm.
Intimate nourishing dark,
there's nothing to prove.
Armor plating having dropped away,
I fall into the breath's gentle arms,
the flow of the underground waters,
currents of the heartbeat.
No need to take on any form to meet the world.
No need to be a warrior or a queen.
Deep trust, floating.
Face and head bowed
into the spiral mystery of life,
I am deeply nourished.
—Lorena Wolfman 9/2020
[Versión en epañol más abajo]
My eyes saw
for the first time
in this the one and only
continuous moment
never to be repeated.
God saw through my eyes
and I was transfigured
into the same undulating light
as the whole universe.
Shimmering opening
from the inside
to the most intimate truth
of who I am.
I called out
singing in the vibration
of creation.
The tree outside my window
shimmered green
and dappled light and shadow
the same as my song
the air shimmered
inside me and all around me.
I was a shimmer
within the shimmer of creation.
I sang, entoned the harmonics
of now, and now, and now
and eternity in the now.
The blue sky witnessed
the dance of molecules
and seeing and song.
This lasted forever in now’s eternity
fulfilling all sight seeing singing
each moment met fully.
Seeing singing each moment
for the first and only time.
Heart broken open.
And then my eyes closed
and my hands
spread rainbows
across the distances,
through the darkness,
rainbows of love
—Lorena Wolfman (8/2020)
Mis ojos vieron
por primera vez
en este el único
momento continuo
que nunca se repetirá.
Dios miraba a través de mis ojos
y me transfiguré
en la misma luz ondulante
de todo el universo.
Relumbrando abriéndome
desde el interior
a la verdad más íntima
de quien soy.
Alcé la voz
cantando en la vibración
de la creación.
El árbol fuera de mi ventana
verde refulgente
y luz y sombra moteadas
al igual que mi canto
el aire brillaba
dentro de mí y a alrededor mío.
Yo era un brillo
dentro del brillo de la creación.
Canté, entoné los armónicos
de ahora, y ahora, y ahora
y la eternidad en el ahora.
El cielo azul presenció
la danza de las moléculas
y del ver y cantar.
Esto duró para siempre en la eternidad del ahora
consumada toda mirada al ver al cantar
en el encuentro pleno de cada momento.
Viendo cantando cada instante
por primera y única vez.
Corazón partido.
Y fue entonces que mis ojos se cerraron
y mis manos
difundieron los colores del arcoiris
a través de las distancias,
a través de la oscuridad,
en un arcoiris de amor
—Lorena Wolfman (9/2020)
the shadows emerge
from hidden places
under my skin
out of the forgotten horrors
of my foremothers
lodged in secret crevices
between the bones and the organs
crockodiles fetuses ideologies
broken dreams
kept alive by refusal
the act of not recognizing
mine theirs yours
My grandmother is your grandmother
What we pretend not to know
about our own grandmothers
silent torture
the silent nightmare—
the one my grandmother
bore in the bones of her legs
because her legs were strong—
this nightmare is written in our bones
held in our ears
with which we don't want to hear
lodged in the coclear spiral
where the universe should live
and nourish our soul
but we have refused to hear it
until now
now we have been given grace
now we have been given the chance
to hear with our heart
our liver
our belly
our soul
we can hear what they could not speak
what we have dared not admit
but now the old fortresses are crumbling
the only rule is love
—Lorena Wolfman
It came
like an ice pick
boring into my brain's frontal lobe,
claws tearing at my eyeballs in their sockets.
The migraine comes with nausea,
I know it well.
This time
I will not fear
I will enter the pain fully
I will trust
I will not question
nor push nor shrink away
I will enter the unknown willingly
I will be available with every inch of my being
I will not fear
And all the pain was gone.
All that remained was
deep dark velvet peace
with no beginning nor end
without limits.
Who I was before was gone.
I had fully entered the inner sanctum
leaving everything behind.
The mystery
the prince of peace
was upon me
in full breadth depth power and grace.
Only the sweet subtle fragrance of deepest origin remained.
—Lorena Wolfman