miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2022

"Healing thread"


"Healing thread"

I wanted to come back and write something about this image after posting it a few days ago.

The image has its origin in a dream image in which blue yarn or twine appears out of a dark dream field, much like "Orange" appeared out of this same vast field.  The blue yarn was curved and looped over itself.  It was a turquoise color.  I always associate the color turquoise with healing.

There has been a progression.  Red. Orange. Turquoise.  If I were following the chakras, I might think yellow was missing.  But it has been present in my early morning walks when I wake up just before sunrise to watch not just the sunrise on the eastern horizon, it is still south of east, as it slowly makes its way into the northern hemisphere. But I watch the sacred hill across the way and how it lights up.  Red, then orange, then yellow, then green... And two days ago I saw it!!! Purple. Yesterday I looked carefully for the green and the blue ... somehow they seem harder to discern, especially the blue... It is an exercise in watching, being present for the moment, and the essence of the sunrays lighting the landscape! 

This is the healing thread!  Being present. (Interesting that turquoise is a combination of green and blue!)

The jeweled sword in the image for me has to do with discernment. Being on the present sharp blade of awareness, able to discern the essences, the colors that fill, luminesce around and in us.  It could also be read as a kind of gordian knot to be cut with a sword, and that dimension is true too. The jewels on the sword are the essential colors, and the treasure that they are.

My turquoise thread became thicker in the art-making process, like a rope woven of pearls, or like a serpent,of life. Serpents are associated with life and healing to a large degree because they can feel the subtlest things from the earth through their skin.

In the background textures there is a hill outlined by the glow of sunrise... this acknowledges, or places, the ground of these experiences where they are lived, made real, walked, breathed, here on the land with the hill across the way that changes colors and teaches me to see.

I could add here that on a deeper level our senses are functions that occur, are functions that are beyond the physical organs themselves.  Hearing happens when you listen. Listening is a function, a capacity of our field.  I have experienced this directly.  Before I experienced this I had listened to a  respected teacher, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, speak about working with brain injuries and other injuries, in which the tissue of an organ is missing or damaged and recovering function in working with deeply with awareness. Recovering, reweaving that part of the field held in the physical form into the function of the whole.  I now know that this is possible.  I feel that in a way it is related to a somatic movement/dance student I have had who could see others moving while her eyes were closed... and other abilities people have shown from the field.  I believe they are experienced from the field.

This has to do with the healing thread, in the way that perceiving the sunrise has to do with the healing thread. It is not seeing just the sunrise, but the whole phenomenon, the broader field, of life, reflections, the music of the sunrise...

I feel moved to go on... Here where I live, on this side of the hill... the northern side, there is a base of caliche, a white limestone that forms much of on the mantle of this area, of Mira Uri.  It is directly exposed due to erosion, mining, deforestation of different sorts... But there is also a lot of rock that is dense, filled with iron ore, red and ocre tones, that was torn out of the earth in pieces during mining operations.  It holds heat.  The rattlesnakes love this piece of land it was explained to me because of the heat.  While, by contrast, just down the way, there is an area that is preferred by the Chirrioneras... a long snake with a small head.  It loves the grey stone that stays cool and holds moisture.

Taking the smallest of leaps, the earth, the soil, is the other healing thread.  How to build soil. The compost pile is so small.  The pruning piles (of nopal, maguey, wild grasses, fallen and pruned twigs/branches) are small relative to the size of the landscape too, but there is soil!  There is more and more of it!  And how, how, how to terrace the slope so that in the torrential rains that come some years more than others, it doesn't wash away?  That is my burning question... 

Spiders, mice, scorpions and snakes (and chickens) don't fear for their lives here.  And mostly we have no problems. Still, this last year rattlers and dogs got into like never before.  It is all a process of learning to live together... Some lessons are hard and ask for even deeper awareness.

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