domingo, 13 de febrero de 2022

"Creation of the Feminine Grail"


New creativities being born...

I see myself here projected
my skin is flame blue
in my belly lives a consciousness
when its eyes are open
I see the world and its spinning colored gyre
through the knowledge of creation
the core of life awakened to itself
I as life itself ongoing awareness
the faculty of embodied creation
the golden egg 
embracing the staff of life
the lotus materializing from beyond
one cell in the totality of all
all in the totality of one cell
I sit across from myself 
with deft hands to earth and sky
uniting both here and now
pure illuminated light blossoms from beyond
but all the same born of mud and suffering 
all part of the tree with deep roots
Self and Universe 
emerging feminine knowledge
yet in the balance beyond duality
in perfect dancing balance here and now
the golden sphere appears
the tree life understanding love
unifying body and spirit
flame blue golden glow
all in the awareness of now 
and now 
and now


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