martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Partial list of mostly my mother's books on Feminist and World Mythologies

Mother's day just passed.  Yesterday I spent many hours sorting through books.  I found a few I donate to charity.  I found many more to list as I contemplated all the books I have from my mother on mythology, the goddess, anthropology, native american studies.  I miss sitting at the table with her, sharing a meal and listening to her brilliant holdings forth on these topics and on politics.  Her mind was glittering, lucid, energetic, incisive and broad ranging.  Morally, ethically and aesthetically engaged at all times.  Her conversations were sprinkled with not only politics, mythology, anthropological analysis, but also with observations and musings about the evolving knowledge coming from astrophysics and quantum physics and its relation to spirituality and our perception of reality.  And the Earth.  Yes, the Earth and all its creatures.  She had many stories about her many feathered bird friends, her porpoise and seal friends, and dog friends.  And then there was her anger about what was unjust, what what was ignorant, short-sighted, in the form of politicians and corporate greed, the impact of their policies and practices on the Earth pained her viscerally.  She was willing to take on big topics with aplumb.  And in the background, having been through her things soon after she passed away, I realize was a really strong education from Friends Central in Philadelphia.  The ethical framework and committment and social engagement was absolutely integral to her way of being in the world.  I miss our conversations and walks.  We were close, we traveled many thousands of miles together throughout my childhood.  At times she shared more than was fair for a child not needing to know what weighed on an woman's soul, but she did share so generously of her mind and of her delight.

Below is a partial listing of mostly her books on World and feminist Goddess mythologies.

The spiral dance (3)....................................... Starhawk
The myth of the goddess (2)......................... Anne Baring and Jules Cashford
The book of the goddess past and present.... Editor: Carl Olson
Whence the goddess...................................... Miriam Robbins Dexter
The book of Lilith......................................... Barbara Black Koltuv
The great mother........................................... Erich Neuman
When God was a woman.............................. Merlin Stone
The feminist companion to mythology......... Editor: Carolyn Larrington
The book of the Goddess.............................. Editor:  Ann Forfreedom and Julie Ann
Pure Lust...................................................... Mary Daly
The once and future goddess........................ Elinor W. Gadon
The women's encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (2)...... Barbara G Walker
The reflowering of the Goddress.................. Gloria Feman Orenstein
Goddess of the Americas: Writings on the Virgen de Guadalupe......... Editor: Ana Castillo
Lost goddess of early Greece........................ Charlene Stretnak
The woman's dictionary of symbols and sacred objects........... Barbara G. Walker
The book of Goddesses and Heroines........... Patricia Monaghan
The song of Eve............................................. Manuela Dunn Mascetti
The goddess' Mirror....................................... David Kinsley
Oya: In Praise of the Goddess....................... Judith Gleason
Voices of the Goddess: A chorus of sibyls...... Editor:  Caitlín Matthews
Laughter of Afrodite........................................ Carol P. Christ
Sex and God.................................................... Linda Hurcombe
The Great Cosmic Mother.............................. Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor
The Goddess: Mythological Imges of the Feminine..... Christine Downing
Ancient mirrors of womanhood (v.1)................ Merlin Stone
Ancient mirrors of womanhood (v.2) ................ Merlin Stone
Ancient mirrors of womanhood: A treasury...... Merlin Stone
The Crone........................................................... Barbara G Walker
Voices from the Circle........................................ Editor: Prudence Jones and Caitlín Matthews
The Women's Spiritality Book........................... Diane Stein
Priestesses........................................................... Norma Lorre Goodrich
Longing for Darkness......................................... China Galland
Bulfinches mythology........................................... Thomas Bulfinch
Bulfinches Mythology (Greek & Roman Fables Illustrated).... Thomas Bulfinch (Intro by J. Campbell)
Women of Classical Mythology......................Robert E. Bell
Primitive Mythology....................................... Joseph Campbell
Oriental Mythology......................................... Joseph Campbell
Creative Mythology......................................... Joseph Campbell
The Power of Myth.......................................... Joseph Campbell
The Mythic Image............................................ Joseph Campbell
Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons........... Manfred Lurker
Hindu Goddesses............................................. David Kinsley
Afro-American Folklore.................................. Harold Courlander
African Folktales.............................................. Editor:  Paul Radin
Yemaya y Ochun............................................... Lydia Cabrera
A Recitation of Ifa, Oracle of the Yoruba......... Judith Gleason
The Flayed God: Mythology of Mesoamerica...............  Robert H. Markman and Peter T. Markman
The myths and legends of the Polynesians........ Johannes C. Anderson
The mythology of Mexico and Central America....... John Bierhorst
Larousse World Mythology............................................... Paul Hamlyn
New Larousse Encylopedia of Mythology....................... Intro by Robert Graves
Mythologies (v.2)............................................. Yves Bonnefoy
A Treasury of Mexican Folkways.................... Frances Toor
From Primitives to Zen.................................... Mircea Eliade
The drum and the Hoe: Life and Lore of the Haitian People..........  Harold Courlander
Divine Horsemen:  The living gods of Haiti.................... Maya Deren
Tales of ancient Egypt......................... Roger Lancelyn Green
Myths and Modern Man...................... Barbara Stanford
The sword and the flute: Kali and Krishna.................... David R. Kinsley 

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