domingo, 7 de mayo de 2023

storm seeds

the african sands seeded thunder 

and clouds with ice and rain

hot and cold

growing into a blustering rumble

tumbling through the heavens

epiphanies apparent for those with eyes

and the living skin to hear the drum beat

calling up toads from unknown regions 

signaling the ants into new patterns 

as they move across the hillsides of earth 

boulderlike pebbles under their delicate feet

as my own feet plot a course  

across the crowded ground between their tracks 

traced in lines of high interdimensional geometry

that takes rumble and multiplies it 

by factors of earth air moisture and light

as the storm gathers force 

anouncing the forthcoming pelting downpour

half way to heaven

here the angels can be seen rocked to and fro

sun streaming through their hair 

blown like waves and sea foam

as the gusts of wind caress our skin 

with the blessing of moisture and warmth

like a mother breathing with her child in the tropics

skin slightly moist and gleaming


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