martes, 12 de abril de 2022

Bombs falling

"Creation is the only outcome of conflict that is satisfying to the human soul. The good news is we are in a creative process, the bad nes is that we need to tolerate a lot of tension, confusion and even chaos before we can get to what is trying to be created in the world at this time." —Michael Meade (Living Myth Podcast #275)

Continuing on the theme of shadow-demon images... This is the next image of my series... I feel that is some ways these collages are less aesthetically developed, it is more of a low skill, high sensitivity type of express... important to things that are coming up in my psyche and that I am trying to understand, to learn from.  

This image has its seed in a dream, almost nightmare where there are bombs dropping from the sky and there are other hi-tech flying machines in the air.  The feeling is of fear, and of dread, of wanting to hide, of not fully comprehending how this can be happening, I think my inner child wanting safety, i.e. to roll up in a ball, maybe an aspect of the freeze survival instinct of shutting down... other aspects look up or out of the house with different emotions...  I have combined these challenge demon-shadow issues through the art process with resources or healing, with the "opposite" on the right side, and there is a middle ground in which there is hope of some communication, permeation of wisdom and information between the realms. It feels very much like a collective unconscious dream too, as we share the horror of unfolding war...  (I have inserted a little bit of humor in it all as well... lest we get so fixated we hurt ourselves and our ability to be resilient and help one another...)


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