domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022

"Guardian spirit"


My own experience of "earthing" as the sun was rising on the horizon... greeting the sun, earthing as prayer, prayer for peace, prayer for healing, prayer for the earth, prayer for the wisdom to "walk in beauty"... (From my digital collage series "A body in progress... embodied psyche".)

I had a very intense experience while "earthing" barefoot and chanting at sunrise a little over a week ago... I was moved to tears with the distinct feeling of being accompanied, of feeling I was not alone, but accompanied by guardians (guardian spirits? angels? oversouls?)... such a feeling of belonging and being accompanied as these "spirits" made their presence felt and showered me with the knowledge of their everpresence... This is #49 in my series of digital collages that I started in our group.  My intention was to do 52 images for this series... though not entirely sure where I will go with the process after reaching that number... And am feeling that there are a number of images in the series that could give birth to their own series.  May explore more dialoguing—letting the images speak— in poetic form which has been another one of my intentions. Possibly another mode of intermodal exchange... voice... dance... I also want to say about this image that there is a quote from Alan Watts that I posted on my facebook page that speaks to ecstatic experience or even bliss as being an intermediate stage... this experience and others I have been having for some time, at times with some discomfort because of the polarities of bliss and suffering alternating sometimes in short order... an intermediate stage before consciousness rests in the simplicity of the ordinary... like the old adage "before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water"... I am not claiming some sort of ultimate "enlightenment" as the term is sometimes used in hyperbolic ways even in some spiritual circles, but rather a natural process of growth, of change, of learning, of understanding and actualization into that understanding... the 5th part of the 5 part process "growth"...

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