martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020

Rain in the marrow

there is a rain falling somewhere

raindrops falling from heaven

there is a rain in the marrow

between each breath

from before my bones spiraled into existence

from before my eyes reflected back the milky way

from before my mother lived in her mother’s ocean

there is an ancient downpour

from before my grandmother

held her first breath

there is a rain falling

larger than the sky of one life

and yet the birds fly into the wind

guided by the wisdom under their wings

they swoop joyfully across air currents

so much greater than themselves

painting new oceans

the birthing of new lands

murmuring across time

becoming and dissolving

becoming again and again and again

there is an ancient rain

so much greater than the dew drops

on the agaves at dawn

yet each drop spreads the scent of jasmin

across the moist earth

—Lorena Wolfman

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