viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

Step forward

Yes, even when you have forgotten yourself,

you are a mandala, you are a snowflake,

you are a prism, you are a fractal

shaping the light coming through you

like no other.

Step forward

into the shadows

or out of them

knowing that even the shadows 

reveal the form of the light 

that pours forth

from your life.

Step forward

following your bliss,

following your burning curiosity,

following your nose

as you seek out the fragrance

of the secret rose,

of the hidden treasure that you are.

Step forward

following your in-tuition,

the inward sense

where you find yourself

on the map of existence

dancing your wandering dance

twisting and turning

across mountains

through valleys

over plains

your toes pressing 

into the moist sands of long beaches.

Step forward 

and let the light move

through you.

Step forward.

You are 

like no other.

—Lorena Wolfman

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