sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019

Sombra de la humanidad

La sombra de la humanidad está atrapado bajo un árbol muerto.  Cuando se libere se reverdezcará la tierra, los bosques de la tierra volverán a florecer.

In the dream I am practicing for a dance improv performance. I warm up in front of the audience. Then I explain what the performance will be: improv with voice and improvised "text".  I walk out of the gallery and into other parts of the sports complex, with moveable modules for different activities.  I come upon a cheerleading squad on my way back to my gallery, possibly on a basketball court, but I cannot find my way back...

I am accompanied by a young woman who is acting as my guide, she seems to know these grounds. We run into an almost middle-aged slender man who expresses how excited he is that his going to have the opportunity to see my performance.  We are in a hallway and he leads us in the opposite direction of the gallery in order to show us something that looks like a year book (high school, a younger self that was in touch with something still virgen?). I look at the page he holds up and then indicate that we need to head back to the hall, the gallery...

The younger worman by my side and I walk back towards the hall and the guy behind us continues expressing interest in the performance but the series of phrases he utters are clearly loaded with special emphasis connonting other intentions, such as "deep immersion". I look to the young woman at my side and say I had made an error, that I had not realized until that moment what his hidden intention was—

I get lost on the way back, I get separated from the young woman and I finally come to a part of the university grounds where there is a mostly glass admin building or some sort of academic building.  It is there that I find the young woman and I ask her how I can get to the hall/gallery.  She indicates I can climb over and down the overpass structure, but that the safer way would be to go all the way around, the long way, going back and around on the ground. 

It doesn't seem that she will be going but then she does accompany me and we are walking when we come to a place where there is a partially downed enormous tree.  It is bare/barren and seems to reach to the sky.  I tell her I want to climb into the sky, up to the heavens.  She repeats what I have said, and then I hear the tree cracking, it is going to fall.  I grab it, embracing it, I am able to throw it back, so that it falls in a safer way. The young woman will not be crushed and I hope no home will be crushed, the tree has fallen, but it is shaking and vibrating, a big black bird, a crow, has been trapped under the tree and nees to be freed.  I think the bird has either fallen from heaven or come out of the earth when the tree was uprooted.  We are in the activity of freeing the bird when I wake up. 

I tell the dream to Ricardo, and tell him I sense that the bird represents humanities shaddow and must be freed and when it is freed, he says, the earth will be reforrested.

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