jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Exile's Letter - Ezra Pound

To So-Kin of Rakuyo, ancient friend, Chancellor of
Now I remember that you built me a special tavern
By the south side of the bridge at Ten-Shin.
With yellow gold and white jewels, we paid for songs
and laughter
And we were drunk for month on month, forgetting the
kings and princes.
Intelligent men came drifting in from the sea and from
the west border,
And with them, and with you especially
There was nothing at cross purpose,
And they made nothing of sea-crossing or of mountain-
If only they could be of that fellowship,
And we all spoke out our hearts and minds, and without
And when I was sent off to South Wei,
smothered in laurel groves,
And you to the north of Raku-hoku,
Till we had nothing but thoughts and memories in
And then, when separation had come to its worst,
We met, and travelled into Sen-Go,
Through all the thirty-six folds of the turning and
twisting waters,
Into a valley of the thousand bright flowers,
That was the first valley;
And into ten thousand valleys full of voices and pine-
And with silver harness and reins of gold,
Out came the East of Kan foreman and his company.
And there came also the ‘True man’ of Shi-yo to meet
Playing on a jewelled mouth-organ.
In the storied houses of San-Ko they gave us more
Sennin music,
Many instruments, like the sound of young phoenix
The foreman of Kan Chu, drunk, danced
because his long sleeves wouldn't keep still
With that music playing,
And I, wrapped in brocade, went to sleep with my
head on his lap,
And my spirit so high it was all over the heavens,
And before the end of the day we were scattered like
stars, or rain.
I had to be off to So, far away over the waters,
You back to your river-bridge.

And your father, who was brave as a leopard,

Was governor in Hei Shu, and put down the barbarian
And one May he had you send for me,
despite the long distance.
And what with broken wheels and so on, I won't say it
wasn't hard going,
Over roads twisted like sheep's guts.
And I was still going, late in the year,
in the cutting wind from the North,
And thinking how little you cared for the cost,
and you caring enough to pay it.
And what a reception:
Red jade cups, food well set on a blue jewelled table,
And I was drunk, and had no thought of returning.
And you would walk out with me to the western corner
of the castle,
To the dynastic temple, with water about it clear as
blue jade,
With boats floating, and the sound of mouth-organs and
With ripples like dragon-scales, going grass green on the
Pleasure lasting, with courtezans, going and coming
without hindrance,
With the willow flakes falling like snow,
And the vermilioned girls getting drunk about sunset,
And the water, a hundred feet deep, reflecting green
Eyebrows painted green are a fine sight in young
Gracefully painted
And the girls singing back at each other,
Dancing in transparent brocade,
And the wind lifting the song, and interrupting it,
Tossing it up under the clouds.
And all this comes to an end.
And is not again to be met with.
I went up to the court for examination,
Tried Layu's luck, offered the Choyo song,
And got no promotion,
and went back to the East Mountains
And once again, later, we met at the South bridge-head.
And then the crowd broke up, you went north to San
And if you ask how I regret that parting:
It is like the flowers falling at Spring's end
Confused, whirled in a tangle.
What is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
There is no end of things in the heart.
I call in the boy,
Have him sit on his knees here
To seal this,
And send it a thousand miles, thinking. 

Desde abajo

desde abajo
se siente
el oscuro colibrí

posado sobre una rama


del árbol

o es parte del tronco mismo
que no se ve?

un pájaro que es árbol

con una estrella en su ojo

con el sol en sus alas

y con un pico tan negro tan negro

qué o quién yace en este mundo desconocido?

la incógnita produce hambre que busca tierra

tierra madre

tierra origen

tierra fuerte

capaz de recibir estas raíces de sangre dolorida

busca el enterrado pero aún el enterrado

no se reconoce

fueron tantos los años de sueño

tantos los años de olvido en tierra ajena

--Lorena © 2014

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014


es fuerza o es el sonido de la sangre que corre por la noche debajo de las estrellas ante la inmensidad?

sin agua no existe el fuego

esta es la relación del cuatro al uno

la diferencia es tres

que en el campo primigenio es tan puro como el uno

lo infinito se plasma en el sentido de una vida

donde hay dos en comunión (cuatro más cuatro o cuatro multiplicado por dos = 8)

 comulgan el tres y el uno


--Lorena 2014

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Flor de la vida

"flor inexistente

existes completa

de raíz a fruto

en la conciencia

la semilla nunca muere

nuestras alas se disipan

en la plenitud del vuelo

como una mano que ha tocado todo

como la boca que besado todo..."

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

Follaje de fuego - Transformaciones 1

follaje de fuego a dónde vas
con tus alas de mármol
tu luna de ámbar
a dónde vas
con tus flores fúnebres
trompetas de ángel
con tu bata de cola de sol
y tus pájaros hambrientos
con tus lenguas sin amo
continentes desvariados
y hojas de viento
con tu cáliz de oro
a dónde vas
a dónde vas
a dónde

-- Lorena Wolfman © 2014

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014


And this was my blood of every day
And this was my sun
And this was my wind

I learned to think this was me
this object
this thing
(a blanket a suitcase a bed)
I could never possess
This something outside
I could never be

While the truth was elsewhere
and within
While the truth like a heartbeat
was constant
And attachment
like a fist
could barely contain
the dance of all time.

--Lorena Wolfman 2014

sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

Otros tiempos

Otros tiempos vienen
y se van
y fueron
y nunca más  serán
pero resisten
y se mezclan
con otros que fueron
y con los que habrán.

¿Quién fuiste a los cinco años?
¿A los quince?
¿A dónde viajarías?
¿A dónde has viajado?
¿A dónde viajas ahora?

Todo es otro tiempo 
informado y libre de los demás.

--Lorena © 2014

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Fukushima and the New Year :: Fukushima y un año nuevo

It is a new year now. And in March we will be entering into the 4th year of an ongoing nuclear crisis. There is a clear message that was recently posted to a web site I follow (enenews.com). The message is important. Anyone who has followed my posts, between the art and poetry, has seen I have posted many videos about the topic of Fukushima and Nuclear bombs. The Fukushima disaster is the greatest nuclear and industrial accident of any kind that humanity has ever seen. It far surpasses anything we have seen in terms of radioactive releases into the environment and yet it is not the only source of a cumulative source of toxicity, deformity, suffering and death on huge scale, it is a part of a larger problem of policy, politics, profit and ignorance related to nuclear byproducts, testing, war and accidents. I share this quote with you because it is critical we face this or succumb to the worst of consequences. Here is Anne's call to action:
It will keep getting worse for at least 250,000 years. That is the nature of a nuclear accident. There have been over 400 nuclear accidents worldwide. This doesn't include the almost 3,000 nuclear tests. We don't even know how much nuclear waste has been dumped all over the world. All our land, air, and water has been contaminated with radioactive poison. We must stop mining uranium. 
We must decommission all nuclear reactors. We must outlaw any new building of a single new nuclear reactors any place in the world. We must try to save what is left of the human genome and any other species genome. Anything less is suicide. Anything less will contribute to climate warming. The heat from a nuclear chain reaction from uranium and plutonium lasts a million years. Stop before it gets even worse.
To paraphrase Dylan Thomas, let us not go quietly into that night, let us rage for what we love. Let us rage, let us rage... and summon the strength to defend life.


Es un año nuevo ya. Y en marzo estaremos entrando en el cuarto año de una crisis nuclear que sigue en curso. Hay un claro mensaje que se publicó recientemente a un sitio web que sigo (enenews.com). El mensaje es importante. Cualquiera que haya seguido mis "posts",  entre el arte y la poesía, ha sido testigo de que he publicado muchos vidéos sobre el tema de Fukushima y las bombas nucleares. El desastre de Fukushima es el mayor accidente nuclear e industrial de ningún tipo que la humanidad haya visto jamás. Esto supera todo lo que hemos visto hasta ahora en términos de las emisiones radiactivas en el medio ambiente y sin embargo no es la única fuente de toxicidad cumulativa, que provoca deformidad, sufrimiento y muerte en gran escala-- es una parte de un problema más amplio de la política, la política, la avaricia y la ignorancia en relación con los subproductos nucleares, las pruebas, las guerras y los accidentes. Comparto esta cita contigo, ya que es fundamental que enfrentemos esto o sucumbimos a la peor de las consecuencias. Este es el llamado de Anne a la acción:

Se continuará empeorando durante al menos 250.000 años. Esa es la naturaleza de un accidente nuclear. Ha habido más de 400 accidentes nucleares en todo el mundo . Esto no incluye los casi 3.000 pruebas nucleares . Ni siquiera sabemos cuánto se ha vertido de residuos nucleares en todo el mundo. Toda nuestra tierra, el aire y el agua ha sido contaminada con veneno radioactivo. 
Debemos detener la minería de uranio. Debemos desmantelar todos los reactores nucleares. Debemos prohibir cualquier nuevo edificio de una sola nuevos reactores nucleares cualquier lugar del mundo. Tenemos que tratar de salvar lo que queda del genoma humano y de cualquier otro genoma especies. Cualquier otra cosa es el suicidio. Cualquier cosa menos que contribuyen al calentamiento climático. El calor de una reacción nuclear en cadena de uranio y plutonio dura un millón de años . Hay que parar esto antes de que empeore.

Parafraseando a Dylan Thomas, No entres dócilmente en esa buena noche. Rabia, rabia contra la agonía de la luz-- rabiemos por lo que amamos, convoquemos la fuerza para defender la vida.