viernes, 28 de febrero de 2025

Inside or Outside?

 Outside I feel connected across space with everyone

as our shared veil lifts and falls, billows... 

Then, having stepped inside, I am outside of time, 


resting in symbiosis, 


without beginning or end... 

Then, outside, I am inside 

the burden of time and its weight, speed, responsability... 

It's language...

I drop the veil behind me… 

I make a final gesture, 

Standing tall, erect, veil-shawl draped over my head, my shoulders… 

I stand here,

yes, it's possible,

here between inside and outside,

in structure and formlessness 

in unity.


lunes, 17 de febrero de 2025




can I enter 


fleeting and eternal

designated in the pause

only present really in the absence of a signifier

though substantive, immaterial

was it 

ever it

or will 

or could it be?

that which is wordless

can one many or infinity

 be different?

or is there only one

infinite one


martes, 26 de noviembre de 2024



we pray for the cold

like we pray for the rain

for the next breath

for a sign

that even in the paroxysms

of change

life continues


sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024


Sea filled with night sky
mystery of reflected stars 
orbs of gathered light
sisters of the moon's light reflected
Goddesses of the rhythm of dreams bathing
their harmonic voices multiplied on earth's moist skin
revealed by the abiding gloam
of in be tween


Cultivation's heat
the warmth of returning to the hearth
fear's cold shadow gone
heart's core reunited with creation's fire
sparks flying


Waters imprinted by life's sweet salty blood
Earth's citrine insight embraces
even as it pierces its own darkeness
Flames of tranquility rise up
breathing into the density of clay
becoming living spirit
each element holds the others
tucked away out of sight
the breath of life's mystery takes shape
becoming in the infinite now...

—Lorena Wolfman

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023

the place i know


the only place I know

to experience divine wisdom

is in this earth’s body

where I live

with blood bone breath

oxygen carbon hydrogen…

mitochondria humming

in an eternal dance

part of a larger serpentine

winged being…

arising from an unnamed 

primoridal ocean

coming ashore rhythmically

again and again

with each heartbeat


domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2023




I am falling

as you may be falling too


into the earth

into realms of rest and dreams and soul

the realm of love

each one of us can be falling

falling into love

into love's embrace

as we stand in her grace

she flows down our arms

down our legs

past our knees

into the the earth

all demons who have spoken

in our minds

wherever they came from

who have spoken for too long

fall away...

—Lorena Wolfman

domingo, 18 de junio de 2023


 el cardón venenoso de largas espinas

se ve glorioso en el calor de la tarde

sus capullos brotándose 

tinte cochinillo fucsia mexicana

delicados como las alas de una mariposa desplegándose

para encontrarse con el viento

el instinto de emprender vuelo

solo apenas disfrazado

por sus astilladas espinas de hueso

a punto de matar

la mayor parte del tiempo parece que está en la agonía

de una muerte lenta

sus brazos abiertos la cruz de la angustia que carga 

pero ahora resurgido se encuentra transfigurado

henchida su carne verde turgente

anhelo de reventarse

en canción de flor y transparencia

y aún sus espinas se abren

un espectáculo de santo resplandeciente

anunciando su luminosa amenaza

brillando a la luz del sol

a punto...

—Lorena Wolfman