viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

At the water's edge

                 —for Stephanie & Grace and all sisters standing at the water's edge

A great body of water



the shores where we stand

here in the high desert

when I climb the highest peaks

I feel the ancestral ocean

I see great sea floor

on its slopes

scattered volcanic rocks

stone faces of long silent giants

the waters of the pacific

reach me here

I stand on this shore

feeling its other shores

where my sisters stand

gazing out on the open waters…


jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020


Risen from the depths of death

Risen from all the relations

Risen from the dark

Released by the water of being into herself

Become herself after all

the suffering and past now gone

Resonances of love endure

I see the black below

in which all things form

from rot and decay to become


for the new out of the mystery

And I see her

body make of love, desire

light of the earth



Three white radiant circles

in an alignment of knowing

The names of her people

written into the warp and weft

of the background

having woven the fabric

of how she came to be here


            —Lorena Wolfman

Giving and receiving

I receive and I give—

breathing in and breathing out—

I give and I receive in being alive

in dying and being reborn.

It is a constant exchange

of air

of light with all creation...

I carry this circling orb of being,

once gifted to me

and that I continue to create as I dance...

even through the fear when I hold my breath

and then begin to breath again,

and hold my breath again,

and breath again—

a constant exchange,

the dance of the orb

giving and receiving,

receiving and given

my birthright and it belongs to LIFE,

daring, daring to embody it,

from my belly.


viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020

Water of life

 Water of life  

Brilliant light of desire 

Mother of tears

Mother of moisture

Mother of our lived rivers

Rocking on the ocean of the universe

Pulsing heart of sacred conception

Each moment

Savoring the taste of more

Being here

                                                                                —Lorena Wolfman

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

Making Space

red pomegranate

seeds boundaries

shapes movement

fleshing out

flushing out

Is it a sacriledge

to name what has to go!?

to make space in my belly

in my gut

taking back the depths

letting go



down and out

opening inward

energy coalescence

red white


empty fullness

fully defined

boundless rest



domingo, 11 de octubre de 2020

Held in the dark

Held in the dark inside of unknowing

in the deepest caverns of the earth’s night

the earth’s belly,

