sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009


I walk forward
my cochineal face to the wind
with strength with courage

I move forward
my wet steps
erased from the sand
like the stories
I have been forced
to forget and I go on
with strength with courage

a hard North wind
pulls me backwards
to the inevitable precipice
edge of the abyss
where I can barely balance
but I hold on
with strength with courage

I teeter
in the disequilibrium
of amnesia of loss
of loss in the fire of
each moment to regain equilibrium
not succumb to the abyss
and I struggle
with strength with courage

I continue
pressing to make headway
only to be dragged backwards
by my heels
to the precipice,
to the edge
to the edge
to the edge of the abyss
here I keep a toe hold
my fingers turn white
I hold on
with strength with courage

in the fulcrum of grasping
gradually I discover
the present moment
of my struggle
the present moment
of my disequilibrium
and in the present moment
I discover the ample shelf at the edge
and what is required
in order not to fall down
in order not to drown
in order not to disappear

I move forward
with many different steps
diagonal steps
short steps
long steps
fast steps
slow steps
steps in reverse
until I realize I can
walk forwards in reverse
facing my past
walk towards new horizons
my back at the bow
greeting the air
that comes from afar
while I embrace
the dance of the past
and with a flick
of my shoulder blades
I flirt with the future

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