martes, 22 de diciembre de 2020

breathing in breathing out

huuuuuhhh aaaah

breathing out

breathing in

electrical scar tissue

finer than papyrus fibers

breathing in space

breathing out the memory of a poem

agua     water inside water

huuuuuhhh aaaah

turquoise patina

dakini making love 

with the guru of blue blue water water

feathers tucked behind her wing bone

for a long time now

patinaed dust falling from their barbs

huuuuuhhh aaaah

under the vaulted arches of the lungs' cathedral

a secret mass is being held

as red blood cells flow upward

heart cupped in silent prayer


huuuuuhhh aaaah

air flows 

through the chambers of the concha

spiraling inward

to the filigreed chambers of the bone marrow


space spiraling inward


a gentle flowering exhale

electrically etched like veins of frost

strong scar fibers holding steady

lining the inner sanctums cúpula 

holding steady steady

ever so slightly touched now

by the rumbling below

aaaaah     huuuuuh

light shining from above

through the esophageal skylight...

—Lorena Wolfman

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