miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Dark tapestry

What was it in the dark tapestry that had such a strong pull? The tapestry of darkeness where all was lost— a place of loss, or, is it that it is where all that was lost resides? Where losses reside or where what was lost resides.  That place where death appears to gain ground, intimately entangled with my breath. I struggled,wondering, could I trust the image? Could I trust the seeing? Could I let go into the darkness of this dark place without light? The moonless darkness with out so much as dark—could I trust this death? This absence accompanied by fear? Who is this fear? Who is behind its frightened mask? Can I simply be with the dark? Black womb of unknowing? And yet it seems the only way. The way of what is... Somewhere beneath the dark tapestry is a handprint—It is mine.

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