martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

all that is left

nothing remains

other than to be love
love itself

it can no longer be contained

nor can it continue
to be divided into another

for now

it is not of what is within

it is now


no longer nesting in the chest
it will not be contained

it has abandoned the formalities
body arms heart

all thrown to the wind
the attire of space solids time
we saw them fly off

no one is left
apart from love

no one in the margins


now is


by Lorena Lobita Wolfman © 2010

1 comentario:

  1. Te he encontrado desde Facebook (ahora te agregaré) y, la verdad, tienes uno de los blogs más curiosos que haya visto jamás.

    Me gusta este estilo bilingüe.

