viernes, 22 de abril de 2022

Healing Universe


This is the lastest collage.  It is called "Healing Universe"... I have been having symbolically potent dreams that seem to be arising from my recent qigong practice and the Lama Tsultrim Allione "feeding your demons" work, a powerful approach for transforming any inner demons you may battle with!

This image is directly based on my experience of a visualization that activates interoception, qi and imagination in powerful healing ways. It comes out of the  qigong as taught by Master Chunyi Lin. Just briefly, this is the structure: You dedicate the practice at the beginning to your "masters", these are your teachers, your divine guides, universal love, god/dess, however you want to define it, they are sources of guidance and wisdom for you.  Then you set an intention, then you do the breathing. As you breathe in, you breathe in the energy, life force that is all around us in the universe through all of your cells, this feeds all of your cells and adds to your life force vitality stored in the lower dantien, behind the belly button. As you breathe out, you imagine any energy blockages that you feel anywhere in your body are dissolved into smoke or transformed into butterflies that fly out into the furtherest reaches of the universe as "excess energy" that is now free.  

From a creative "technical" level what I have done here is that I have taken an aspect of a previous collage "bombs falling" that I wanted to explore and develop further.  This is a type of revisting or recycling to deepen into material that speaks to you. It is an aspect of the crystalization process. (The image also incorporates the divine energy of the goddess Ma Durga, also the subject of several previous collages.)

As I made the collage, I felt into my experience of this qigong practice... the movement and freeing of energies, the receiving vital nourishment at a cellular level... I am beginning to get new insights and experiences, understandings about qi, the life force energy in everything. These lessons were already coming from nature— But since much of this practice come from the Taoists, it makes sense that it is so resonant for me. 

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