jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

"Werg-gwen" (Collage digital, 2015)

Where Gwen art thou?

In the spirit you work,
Queen of the verb.
Birthing pleasure
is birthing life.
Incorruptible is your name.

Obras en el espíritu,
Reina del verbo.
Dando luz al placer
es dar luz a la vida.
Incorruptible es tu nombre.

—Lorena Wolfman (17 de mayo 2015)

werg- / Indo-European roots


To do.
Oldest form *werg̑-, becoming *werg- in centum languages.▲ Derivatives include work, allergy, surgery, wrought, orgy.
I. Suffixed form *werg-o-.
1. a. work; handiwork from Old English weorcwerc, work; b. boulevard, bulwark from Old High German werc, work. Both a and b from Germanic *werkam, work.
2. erg1, ergative, -urgy; adrenergic, allergy, argon, cholinergic, demiurge, dramaturge, endergonic, endoergic, energy, ergograph, ergometer, ergonomics, exergonic, exergue,exoergic, georgic, hypergolic, lethargy, liturgy, metallurgy, surgery, synergid, synergism, thaumaturge from Greek ergon, work, action.
II. Zero-grade form *wr̥g-.
1. Suffixed forms *wr̥g-yo-*wr̥g-to-a. wrought from Old English wyrcan, to work; b. irk from Old Norse yrkja, to work. Both a and b from Germanic *wurkjan, to work, participle*wurhta-.
2. Suffixed form *wr̥g-t-. wright from Old English wryhta, maker, wright, from Germanic *wurhtjō-.
III. O-grade form *worg-a. organ, organon from Greek organon (with suffix -ano-), tool; b. orgy from Greek orgia, secret rites, worship (< "service")..
[Pokorny 2. u̯erg̑- 1168.]

MORE: Hindi bahin or behin is from Middle Indo-Aryan (Prakrit) bahini, from Sanskrit bhagini, feminine of bhagin, "the happy or fortunate one", from bhaga, "fortune". Signifies "sister" and secondarily "woman" or "wife". 

Irish bean is from Proto-Indo-European *gwen, woman (cf. Greek gyne).

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